This student contract has been designed so that every student attending our school can learn in a safe, orderly and healthy environment. Each family is expected to thoroughly discuss this contract before signing and returning the bottom section to the classroom teacher.
Student Responsibilities
All students are expected to uphold school rules and to protect the rights of themselves and all other students. This will assure a safe and healthy learning environment.
School Rules
1. At all times students are expected to behave in a manner that will not endanger themselves or others.
This includes:
- following the directions of the teachers and adults-in-charge.
- speaking in an appropriate manner to teachers, other adults, and each other.
- never interfering with the learning of others.
- keeping hands and feet to themselves.
- being respectful of school property and the property of others.
- walking quietly and orderly through the hallways.
2. Students will behave in a manner that will help maintain the cleanliness and appearance of the school building.
3. Students will always use appropriate and respectful language free from unwelcome remarks, discourteous words, or vulgarities.
4. Students are required to take home all homework assignments, books and materials needed to complete the evening's work. Students will only be admitted back into the building if an emergency situation arises on the way home or if accompanied by a parent.
Lunchroom Rules
Students must always follow the directions of the adult-in-charge concerning:
- table assignments
- food purchases
- use of rest rooms
- clean up
- line up
Safety Rules for the Playground
1. Students must follow the directions of the adult-in-charge at all times during play, when lining up, and when returning to the building.
2. Running is only permitted if it is part of an organized game. Orderly and organized games which promote sportsmanship and good feelings are encouraged. Games which may lead to hurtful, aggressive behavior are strictly forbidden.
3. Students must ask permission from the adult-in-charge before leaving the playground area and may only re-enter the building with a partner.
4. Any injury or illness must be reported immediately to the adult-in-charge.
5. Students should always dress according to weather conditions.
Based upon the severity of a student's actions, parents may be contacted and one or more of the following consequences may be imposed:
1. Time Out
2. Loss of recess
3. Loss of participation in school activities
4. Referral to the principal
5. Conflict resolution
6. Parent-teacher conference which may involve the principal and/or school psychologist
7. Replacement and/or restoration of damaged property
8. School service related to the infraction
9. After school detention
10. Suspension from school